A Short Letter to All Future Interns and Juniors: what you should *not* do in your resume

2 min readApr 29, 2022

Dear friends,

It’s great when someone pursues a new career. I think this is precisely the will that moves the world forward: strive for new knowledge, a better place in the Universe, or at least in the job market.

Here’s some advice to all who will pursue a new junior (or an intern — even more valid for these) position: never put your skills to the maximum when you apply for it.

Someone who is old and easily irritated (like me, for example) when reading such a resume could think:

Hmm, what the hell this one will learn when they join us as an intern/junior? What could I teach an intern who already believes he has 10 out of 10 Communication Skills level? 9 out of 10 Teamwork? 10 out of 10 Discipline?

When submitting your CV for an internship or junior position, always consider honesty. I would advise you to remove such meters from your CV unless these are widely recognized metrics, such as English level skills (when officially certified by a well-known authority).

I’m not saying this will ruin your application. But it definitely won’t help if you are in competition with another 100 people for a few internship roles.

Good luck, and never give up! Send these, even when you don’t get calls back. Someone, somewhere, will call you, and this will be your big breakthrough!




Father, Developer, Engineer, Manager, Tech Junkie, Gamer, Ultracrepidarian.